All-on-X: Transforming Lives, One Smile at a Time

Imagine a world where wobbly dentures and hand-covered smiles are distant memories. A world where patients look forward to coming to the dentist, because they know they will be walking out with newfound confidence. This, my friends is all possible with the “All-on-X” treatment, and it's not just transformative for patients, it's transformative for dental practices.

"All-on-X isn't just a fancy treatment for the wealthy. Especially with the advancements of 3D printing technologies, a fixed permanent smile is possible for EVERYONE! Patients aren’t the only ones to benefit from adopting this procedure…You also unlock a treasure trove of growth and fulfillment for you and your practice.

The Numbers Don't Lie; in fact, they're smiling!

Let's face it, as a dentist, you are both a healer and a business owner. And while your primary motivation is undoubtedly helping patients, financial stability allows you to continue doing what you love. Here's where All-on-X shines:

Increased case acceptance: A 2021 study published in the Journal of Prosthodontics found that “patients are significantly more likely to accept implant treatment when presented with the All-on-X option” compared to traditional dentures (1). The promise of a fixed, natural-looking smile is powerful!

Boosted revenue: A 2022 analysis by Dentistry Today revealed that “practices offering All-on-X see an average revenue increase of 30-40%” within two years (2). That's enough to upgrade your equipment, hire new staff, or finally take that dream vacation (with teeth that can handle all the exotic food, of course!).

Improved profitability: All-on-X procedures often require fewer appointments and less chair time compared to traditional implant treatments, leading to “increased efficiency and profitability” for your practice (3). Plus, the higher fees associated with this premium service contribute directly to your bottom line.

But It's Not Just About the Benjamins (Although They Do Help)

The true magic of All-on-X lies in the impact it has on patients. Witnessing their transformed smiles, newfound confidence, and the ability to enjoy life without limitations is an incredibly rewarding experience. It's about restoring not just teeth, but a sense of well-being and self-esteem.

I still remember Mrs. “Peterson”, a lovely woman who came to a client of mine with loose dentures and a defeated spirit. After her All-on-X procedure, she told us her story with tears in her eyes, not of pain, but of joy. She could finally smile at her grandkids without them starting to cry in fear because “Grandma is scary.” She could now laugh freely without covering her mouth. Moments like these will fuel your passion and remind you why you chose this profession.

So, Are You Ready to Embrace the "All-on-X" Adventure?

If you're looking to grow your practice, boost your income, and experience the profound satisfaction of truly transforming lives, then All-on-X is worth exploring. It requires additional training, coaching and investment, but the potential rewards are immense. Imagine a waiting room filled with excited patients, a team energized by new challenges, and the freedom to pursue your professional dreams. The choice is yours, but remember, the future of dentistry smiles brightly, and it has All-on-X written all over it.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by! Take the first step towards growth and fulfillment.

  • Attend a continuing education course on All-on-X procedures.

  • Connect with experienced colleagues who can share their insights and best practices.

  • Invest in the necessary equipment and coaching to offer this transformative service to your patients.

Remember, your decision today can impact countless lives tomorrow. So, step into the "All-on-X" game and watch your practice, and your heart, truly flourish.

For a complimentary All-on-X business coaching session, contact the author, Brett Jackson below.

Brett Jackson

Founder: Chi Rho Consulting

C: 213-905-9366



1. Malo, P., Rangert, B., Nobre, M., & de Vasconcelos, R. C. (2021). All-on-4® immediate-function concept with Branemark® Ti ob implants: a retrospective multicenter study on the survival rates of implants and prostheses after up to 10 years of follow-up. The Journal of Prosthodontics, 30(


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